Cableway to Sněžka

  • Cableway  is in operation daily from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Operation II. section to Sněžka  according to actual weather.
  • Cableway  is in operation daily from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Operation II. section to Sněžka  according to actual weather.
  • Cableway  is in operation daily from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Operation II. section to Sněžka  according to actual weather.
  • Cableway  is in operation daily from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Operation II. section to Sněžka  according to actual weather.


Cableway opening hours

 Year-round operation (April and November operation only on weekends)
daily from 8 am to 6 pm (in the period from 1 May to 30 September until 7 pm)

 with a low number of passengers, operation at an interval of 30 minutes

Cableway operating hours:

- Daily from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. (1. 10. - 30. 4. to 6 p.m.),
- only up to the wind speed of 37 mph,
- cableway operation to Snezka peak according to actual weather,
- in case of heavy traffic it is not possible to approach the second section to Snezka.

Operating terms and conditions:

- transport of baby carriages and persons in wheelchairs,
- dogs transport (with leash and muzzle)
- sledges and skis transport,
- bicycles are not transported

Fare payment:

- Kč (CZK) + credit cards

Parking place P3:

- cars 100 - 600 m,
- for buses reserved parking only in parking lot P1!
-15 minutes - free
1 hour -   50 CZK
2 hours - 100 CZK
3 hours - 150 CZK
1 day (0: 00-24: 00) - 250 CZK

Multi-day parking (0: 00-24: 00) - 250 CZK / day




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